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Case Report

Thoracoabdominal flap following modified radical mastectomy for locally advanced breast cancer: A case report

Denny Miftahur Ramadhan,Indra Indra,Salman Ardy Syamsu,Muhammad Faruk.

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Introduction: For thoracic surgeons, extensive wall reconstruction post-resection in patients with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) can pose considerable challenges. Targeting high-quality defect closures without significant morbidity, the operation can provide information about the thoracoabdominal flap in such patients after modified radical mastectomy that requires reconstructing the chest wall.
Case Report: A 45-year-old woman presented with a lump in her right breast that had persisted for the past 10 months. With reference to her history, physical examination, and histopathological results, the patient was diagnosed with stage IIIB cancer (cT4bN0M0) in the right breast. The patient received 4 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with partial response before a planned modified radical mastectomy with a thoracoabdominal flap, accompanied by antibiotic therapy and analgesics. When wound care was provided and the thoracoabdominal flap evaluated on Day 2 after the operation, the flap area was warm and the same color as the surrounding skin, the capillary refill time was 3 s, and a blood test revealed red blood cells. Following a re-evaluation of the flap on Day 4 under sound conditions, the patient was discharged without complications on Day 5, and further treatment was planned.
Conclusion: Using thoracoabdominal flaps in patients with LABC after modified radical mastectomy can yield good outcomes without complications.

Key words: Radical Mastectomy; Mastectomy Reconstruction; Flap; Breast Cancer.

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