Ischemic stroke occurs when there is an obstruction or collapse of a blood vessel in the head or neck, which causes a lack of oxygen to the brain. Due to the lack of oxygen, detrimental motor and sensory deficits transpire in the areas of the brain that are affected. When an individual suffers an ischemic stroke, there is a specific time window and treatment regimen that is used to manage symptoms of a stroke. The principal concerns with stroke treatments are that dont fully recover motor and sensory function lost during a stroke occurrence. With the use of stem cells from several sources, they can be reprogrammed and transplanted into the brain to facilitate full recovery of motor and sensory function. The purpose of this review article is to investigate the precursors, diagnostic methods, treatment techniques and new stem cell treatment research associated with ischemic stroke in anticipation to cure cognitive, sensory and motor dysfunction.
Key words: Ischemic stroke, treatment, stem cells, research, motor and sensory function