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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6560-6568

The Political Dimensions Of Russia-India Relations

Monika Yadav.


For the last eighty years, trust, mutual understanding and compatibility, as well as similar interests in the international system, have served as the foundation for ties between India and Russia. It drew them closer together to collaborate in the fields of military, commerce, and technology. Specifically, it brought them closer together. Both New Delhi and Moscow went through a period of low-level relations after the dissolution of the Soviet Union; however, since Putin came to power in Russia, ties between the two capitals have taken a new direction. In addition to working together on strategic matters, the countries collaborated on developing strategies to improve diplomacy, create a multipolar world, fight insurgencies, address climate change, cooperate on technology and military issues, and combat terrorism. In addition to their robust collaboration and shared interests, India and Russia are confronted with a number of obstacles, especially in the aftermath of shifting dynamics in the political landscape of Asia.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the history of the strategic cooperation between India and Russia, with a particular emphasis on Putin's tenure.

Key words: Soviet Union, Diplomacy, Asia, Political Scene, Foreign Policy.

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