Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the different treatment options as well as to explore the preferred treatments for the management of acute dental pain of endodontic origin in pregnant patients.
Material and Method: This interventional study was conducted in the Operative Dentistry Department, the University of Lahore. Pain of endodontic origin of 273 pregnant patients was managed by performing non-surgical root canal treatment. Percentages were calculated as descriptive statistics to have a comparison of preferred treatment by dentists for acute pain management during pregnancy. One Way ANOVA was used to explore the difference among treatment selection plans.
Results: From the total sample of 273 participants, there was no significant difference found between the selection of endodontic treatment and Trimesters (F (2,270) = .79, p=.45) same results were obtained for the analgesics prescription during pregnancy and the trimesters during pregnancy (F (2,270) = 1.41, p=.24). On the other hand, the difference between the prescription of antibiotics during 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters was found which was statistically significant (F (2,270) = 12.38, p> .001). Endodontic treatment was completed on 272 (91.6%) pregnant patients to relief the acute dental pain whereas only 25 (8.4%) patients did not undergo endodontic treatment in pregnancy. Among the cases who had endodontic treatment, 75.4% cases were dealt in second trimester of pregnancy. The recommendation of antibiotics was less. In the entire data, antibiotic prescription was seen in the second trimester of pregnancy, whereas, overall, antibiotic prescription was at minimal level. Analgesic prescription was found to be (44.1%) in practice among pregnant participants during the treatment
Conclusion: In conclusion, the results of the study revealed that preferring endodontic treatment to manage acute dental pain during pregnancy is safe and it could be used as preferred treatment rather than deferring the patient or shifting the pregnant patients on antibiotics or analgesics.
Key words: pregnancy, pain, dental treatment, endodontic treatment