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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2077-2106

Swivel Of Gender Sensitive Assortment: An Educational Model To Analyse Gender Sensitisation

Dr. Divya Kalra, Dr. Abha Sharma.


Gender sensitisation through education can be a powerful tool to modify the perception of the individuals towards the genders. This research papers extracts a compendious list of gender sensitive factors that is subsequently use to develop a pragmatic model termed as ‘Swivel of Gender Sensitive Assortment’. This framework was developed using four different aspects of gender sensitisation, extracted after conducting an intensive literature review. These gender sensitive aspects are the core of the model along with nine factors forming the outside disc-shape. This model will assist the school organisation, training consultant and researchers to identify the loopholes in the school system. It will also help them to tailor the gender sensitive training programs after conducting the training need analysis as per the needs and requirement of the individuals. ‘Swivel of Gender Sensitive Assortment’ will help to identify the areas that affect gender sensitivity in schools.

Key words: Education, Gender Inequality, Gender Sensitisation, Training Need Analysis, Swivel of Gender Sensitive Assortment

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