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Sensory and physicochemical properties of doi and rosogolla manufactured from Hydrogen Peroxide preserved milk

Sumaiya Arefin, Md. Abid Hasan Sarker, Md. Sadakatul Bari, Mohammad Shohel Rana Siddiki, Md. Harun-ur- Rashid, Mohammad Ashiqul Islam, Md. Nurul Islam.


This study was undertaken to envisage the effect of milk preservation by food grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on sensory and physicochemical properties of doi and rosogolla prepared from that preserved milk. Cow milk was collected from the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) Dairy Farm. H2O2 was diluted at the ratio of 1:2.5 (H2O2: distilled water) before mixing with milk to reduce the concentration of H2O2 from 35% to 10%. Later on 0.14% (by volume of milk) H2O2 was added to milk samples and preserved to 18 h. The preserved milk samples were then used to manufacture doi (PMD) and rosogolla (PMR). Doi (FMD) and rosogolla (FMR) were also prepared from fresh cow milk without adding H2O2. Sensory properties and proximate composition of both FMD and PMD were found non-significantly (p>0.05) different. Similar results were also found in the case of FMR and PMR. Acidity (%) of both types of products was found 0.05% higher in the fresh milk products. It may be concluded that 0.14% H2O2 treated milk is suitable to manufacture quality doi and rosogolla without any inimical effect on the sensory and physicochemical properties.

Key words: hydrogen peroxide, sensory and physicochemical properties, yoghurt, rosogolla

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