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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 996-1006

Didactic System For Level Control Of A Water Tank

Julián R. Camargo L., Oscar D. Flórez C., Miguel A. Ávila A..


This document presents in a didactic way the elaboration of a water tank level control system using a PSoC5LP, which includes an alphanumeric LCD, an ultrasonic sensor, a matrix keyboard (to enter the desired level by the user in centimeters), two small motor pumps and additional components to generate the filling and emptying of the water tank. For the visualization of the information generated by the system, the alphanumeric LCD is used. The PSoC5LP internal timers are used to measure the level display generated by the ultrasonic sensor, to update the data on the LCD and to control the keypad. The measurements captured by selecting different levels (water heights) were verified and compared practically. With the above, the objective of showing practically the use of timers, the concept of interruption and various elements associated with the teaching of microcontrollers and specifically the PSoC5LP would be fulfilled.

Key words: Interrupt, LCD, PSoC5LP, Ultrasound, Timer

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