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Narrative Review

J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(3): 219-227

Perio-Prosthodontics considerations in removable partial denture: The role of the Prosthodontist.

Muhammad Haider Amin,Nazia Yazdanie.


Objective: To review the periodontal considerations associated with removable partial denture therapy.
Materials and methods: Using a MEDLINE search, for “removable partial dentures periodontal”, a total of 712 papers from peer-reviewed journals came in results. The MEDLINE search was made more specific by applying filters to the key phrase with other key words such as “periodontal evaluation”(140), “direct retainers”(77), “non-surgical periodontal”(8), “surgical periodontal”(180), “plaque”(249), “periodontal indices”(112), “tooth mobility,”(180) “periodontal maintenance,”(60) “splinting,”(198) and “split major connector”(2). Both in vivo and in vitro studies on the Perio-prosthodontic aspects of RPD treatment were included in the study pool whereas case Series and case reports were excluded.

Result: A total of 1206 studies were collected from the search engine. After applying the exclusion criteria and filtering the duplicates a total of 95 studies were included for the narrative review.
Conclusions: Out of all the factors, recall and oral and denture hygiene have the utmost importance.

Key words: Keywords: Perio-prosthodontics, removable partial denture, periodontal indices.

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