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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1016-1025

Borax frit: testing leadless fluxes for glazing earthenware ceramics in educational institution

Dr. Badar Almamari.


In this laboratory research, the suitability of increasing the percentage of fluxes in glaze recipes for earthenware ceramics was investigated. The aim was to develop glazes appropriate for low-temperature ceramics by using as much Borax frit as possible in each glaze recipe to avoid complicated recipes in both educational and professional contexts. Using as few chemical items as possible in ceramic glaze recipes is important for a wide range of scientific and industrial processes in the field of ceramics to reduce financial costs. Specifically, the experiments in this research mainly assessed the possibility of using Borax frit in different glazing recipes in quantities of 50% and above in each glaze recipe. To achieve this purpose, Borax frit, code P2953/ Potterycrafts, was used in all experiments in this research.

Key words: Borax frit, glazes, ceramics

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