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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1026-1046

Syrian Refugees` Attitudes Toward The Ngos` P. R Activities During Their Crisis Survey Study On Zaatari And Azraq Camps

Ghalib Shatnawi, Lujain Malkawi.


This study aimed to investigate the Syrian Refugees` attitudes towards the P.R activities conducted during their crisis in Jordan, this survey study implemented in Zaatari and Azraq camps, as they are the core of Humanitarian services presented during 2012 -2016 in Jordan, 400 questionnaires were distributed in Zaatari and Azraq camps randomly, 377 have been received back; 237 in Zaatari and 139 in Azraq. Major findings show that attitudes of respondents toward the P.R activities conducted in their crises during the period 2012 to 2016 is positive, 50% agreed that their knowledge has been effected, 47% agreed that their emotional has been affected, and 44.9 agreed that their behavior has been affected. It also found that there is a significant relationship between all cognitive, emotional and behavioral attitudes toward the P.R activities conducted that correlation reached value which is bigger than 0.01 and less than 1.

Key words: attitudes, P.R activities, NGOs, Zaatari camp, Azraq Camp.

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