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Review Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(10): 1800-1804

Public awareness about spinal disc herniation in Saudi Arabia: a brief review

Yousef Ali Abdali, Abdulaziz Mohammed Kariri, Abdullah Yahya Zilay, Abdulaziz Jaber Almalki, Reem Mohammed Kariri.


Lumbar disc herniation involves the displacement of the intervertebral disc content. A herniated disc can occur in any part of the spine; it is more common in the lower back (lumbar spine) but also in the neck (cervical spine). Nowadays, disc herniation is commonly diagnosed regarding the degenerative abnormalities of the lumbar spine. It is the major cause of spinal surgery. To overview the disc herniation and awareness of the audi population about spinal disc herniation, we performed a literature search on scientific database Google scholar for articles related public awareness about spinal disc herniation in Saudi Arabia. Specific keywords were employed for the literature search including spinal disc herniation, disc herniation, lumbar disc herniation, epidemiology of disc herniation, awareness about disc herniation, and Saudi population. The included articles in this review were published between 2010 and 2021. The review covered studies on epidemiology, management, outcomes and awareness regarding lumbar disc herniation in Saudi Arabia. The review concluded that only few studies in Saudi Arabia investigated the awareness of the population about spinal disc herniation, and most of them reported a poor level of awareness.

Key words: Awareness, spinal disc, disc herniation, lumbar spine.

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