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Analysis of chippaux smirak index on dynamic balance scores

Deniz Senol, Seyma Toy, Damla Bilge, Beyza Ozdemir, Davut Ozbag.

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Aim: The aim of this study is to examine whether Chippaux Smirak Index (CSI) calculated from footprint and measurements taken from foot have an effect on balance scores.
Materials and Methods: 61volunteers (25 males, 36 females) between the ages of 18 and 24 were included in our study and 122 feet were measured. Footprints of the participants were taken by using Harris imprint. Footprints were scanned, the parameters were measured with Digimizer program and CSI was calculated. Metatarsal foot width (MFW), maximum metatarsal foot width (MMFW), length of the foot (LoFA), heel width (HW) and foot length (FL) taken from footprints were measured. Individuals with CSI >62.70% were considered as flatfooted and excluded from the study. Dynamic balance measurements were made with Biodex Balance System (BBS) (Biodex Medical Systems, Shirley, 2000, New York). Overall (OA), anterior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) dynamic balance assessments of the participants were made with eyes open.
Results: According to Mann Whitney U analysis results, statistically significant difference was found between MFW, MMFW, LoFA, HW and FL parameters of men and women in both feet (p

Key words: Chippaux smirak index; dynamic balance; foot; pes planus

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