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NMJ. 2020; 9(1): 1-5

Role of a Physician in the Present Society

Sampath Kumar KL.


A physician spends considerable time of his prime life in studying various diseases and clinical conditions so that he can treat the patients as and when they fall sick. For the last thousands of years, the physician with his professional knowledge takes medical histories of the patients, clinically examine the patients, order, perform and interpret the various relevant diagnostic tests and finally prescribe the medication to treat the ailments from which the patients suffer from after diagnosing them. In addition, they often counsel patients on diet, hygiene and preventive health care. As the society evolved there is a considerable change in the role of a physician (1). Initially, the physician was in charge of certain families for the medical care and he used to visit these families in their homes as and when needed. Slowly, this tradition of ‘family physician’ declined in the society. Subsequently, due to changes in the society, gradually there is a decline in the physician’s standing in the social hierarchy. However, even now, the physician has a significant role to play in the society. In this century, the role of a physician changed a lot. In addition to being a medical expert while treating a patient, he has to put on many hats to be useful to the society (2). In this article, I would like to discuss the various roles played by the physician.

Key words: Physician; Society; Present; Century.

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