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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 572-575

Comparison of infection rate in Ilizarov between Schanz screws and wires

Qaisar Khan, Junaid Zeb, Imran Khan, Muhammad Ayaz Khan.


Objective: To compare the frequency of pin site infections (PSI) between Schanz screws versus K-wires in Ilizarov fixator.
Methodology: This randomized control trial was conducted at Department of Orthopedics, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar and included 150 patients randomized into two groups (75 in each group) by block method. Fractures in group A patients were stabilized by using K-wires while in group B it was stabilized with Schanz screws. Patients were reviewed after 6 weeks and assessed for pin site infection. Data were collected using designed proforma and analyzed using SPSS version 22.
Results: Mean age in group A was 35±2.77 years and mean age in group B was 38±3.12 years. In Group A, 71% patients were male and 29% female. In Group B, 72% patients were male and 28% female. In Group A, 5% patients had pin site infection while in Group B, 17% patients had PSI (p=0.02). Stratification against time of PSI development showed a weak relationship (p=0.04), being more common in patients of group A in patients who presented till 5th day, although there was no significant difference in PSI rates among both groups after 5 days (p=0.2).
Conclusion: Frequency of pin site infection is less in Ilizarov fixator using K-wires as compared to Ilizarov fixator using Schanz pins.

Key words: Pin site infection, complications, external fixation, Ilizarov fixator, K wire.

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