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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6597-6604

Redefining The Role Of Teachers In New Changing Scenario

Sheetala Prasad Anan, Mukesh Kumar Meena.


Teachers are not only teachers rather they are those engineers who could give a better shape to human being and human society as an engineer. Teachers are those philosophers who give right direction for the development of man and society in long run. They played a crucial role in nation building that is unparalleled. Their history in context of Indian subcontinent has enough account for the vital role of teachers in the development of individuals, his fellow beings and nation building. Human civilization is a dynamic process and it is not always smoother rather they have been stumbled upon with conflicts, clashes, fights and wars due to several unusual and created reasons. And whenever there are complexities, the teachers’ role becomes critical. It is worth to mention here that role of teachers has broader connotation in new changing scenario. In this new era where knowledge explosion is taking place and students have many novel ideas to get knowledge from offline to online mode. Technological development has played vital role in this process. However, the later experiences are guided by the former. Keeping various states of affairs of individual and society in mind the role of teachers are described here in the succeeding sections.
It would become very difficult task to capture the role of school teachers in few words. It happens because of the broaden nature of their role and in this paper investigators try to study the expansion and shifts in role of teacher. However, from the nature of roles some indispensable roles of teachers can be mentioned.

Key words: Redefining ,Role ,Teachers , New , Scenario

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