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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1047-1058

Students' Lived Experience Of Factors Affecting Difficulties In Learning Mathematics: A Phenomenological Study

Somayeh Kiarsi, Seyed Foad Ebrahimi.


The present study aimed to investigate students' lived experience of factors affecting difficulties in learning mathematics. The sampling method was purposeful and the theoretical saturation of data was obtained after performing deep and semi-structured interviews with 18 students. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi's seven-step strategy and the findings were validated by attributing them to the participants. Deep analyses of the data resulted in 3 main themes (individual factors, teacher-based factors, and environmental factors) and 8 subthemes (math anxiety, students' previous poor knowledge, students' inadequate practice, lack of parental support, teacher's negative attitude toward mathematics, using inappropriate teaching methods, inconvenient teaching-learning environment, family and social factors). The results indicated various factors affecting difficulties in learning mathematics. These factors can challenge educational systems health and richness, especially in the field of mathematics.

Key words: Difficulties in Learning Mathematics, Phenomenology, Students' Lived Experience

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