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Original Research

RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 450-452

Ordinal logistic regression analysis between household energy (agricultural residues, wood and dung) consumption and women’s health in rural Punjab

Nabeela Farah.


Objective: To analyze the hazardous effect of domestic fuel consumption on health of rural women.
Methodology: In present research, three districts (Okara, Hafizabad and Multan) from Punjab were studied with multistage sampling technique. In the first stage three districts were selected randomly. In the next stage two tehsils from each district were selected randomly. Then four villages from each tehsil were selected randomly and finally 20 women from each village were selected purposively. Data collected from 480 women were analyzed by using ordinal logistic regression model.
Results: The odd ratios for agricultural waste, wood and dung showed significant relationship for various diseases. The use of inferior biomass fuels was significantly positively associated with chest pain, coughing, asthma, breathing problems, headache and eye allergy. Less expensive fuels were more inflammatory for a longer time and emission for more smoke so the result of chronic or acute diseases.
Conclusion: The study recommends management and prevention of such drastic health hazards to avoid vicious circle of rural women’s health.

Key words: Rural women, domestic fuel, health hazards.

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