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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1065-1073

The Role Of Theory Of Mind In Projecting Moral Judgment Of Children Aged Between 7 And 10

Morteza Naderi Toosi, Mehrdad Mohaddes Pour.


The object of the study was to prediction the moral judgment of children based on theory of mind.
Thus, 110 subjects of female children (55) and male children (55) aged from 7 to 10 fromFirozeh
City were selected cluster random sampling method. Next, the subjects answered the questions
theory of mind, and moral judgment test. The findings were analyzed through enter regression. It
was found that none of theory levels theory of mind can predict judgment by itself and just general
theory of mind (total evolution levels) is able to project highly the moral judgment of children (β=
1.226, P

Key words: mind evolution theory, moral judgment, children aged between 7 and 10

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