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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6612-6629

Agricultural Development In The North West Frontier Province (Khyber Paktunkhwa) Durig British Rule (1901-47)

Dr. Mohammad Aslam Khan.


The North West Frontier Province left economically lagging area during British raj on Subcontinent. The agricultural development has been considerably affected by geography and demography. The inter-regional economic inequalities mostly have developed during British raj. The inter-regional economic inequalities thus once born deepened with the passage of time. The Question arises, why frontier districts could not share equally the economic development? Whether basic cause of its deprivation from developments was non-feasibility and inaccessibility of hilly terrain of the border province? Or anti-British stance of the dwellers of this province thwarted or hindered its economic development? This paper will try to gather information about the causes of backwardness whatever that may be. The NWFPs remained lagging due to least attention paid to these districts as compared to other region of Subcontinent and inherited narrow base of agriculture as well as industry.

Key words: NWFP, British, Development, geography, Land, regional and Agriculture.

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