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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3403-3419

Effect Of Urbanisation On Biodiversity And Study On The Special Laws Relating To The Holy River Ganga And Sunderban Delta

Shashi Kant Mishra, Prof (Dr.) Jayanta Kumar Saha.


India is a land of heritage in terms of Biodiversity and culture. Its geographical structure makes it a paradise on the earth. But due to the economic demand and human needs and rapid growth in the population is big threaten to the Bio-diversity. The best example is our Holy River Ganga and the Sunder bans Delta which are affected by the Urbanization. The Holy River Ganga is polluted by the Industrialization, and chemical activities on the bank of Ganga. The Holy River Ganga is polluted due to the discharge of Sewage Wastes of metropolitan cities and Industrial wastes in the river the chemical wastes are Directly and Indirectly effect the fresh water mangroves plant in the Sunderban Delta. To Protect the Biodiversity related to River Ganga and Sunderban Delta the several legislative measures have been taken by the Legislature. Our Constitution has several provisions to protect the Environment, Natural Resources, and Biodiversity’s. In Article 48A (Protection of Ecology of Environment and Environmental Pollution) and Article 51A (g) to safeguard the environment, the Indian Constitution stipulates that "The State is committed to safeguarding the country's forests and wild animals and that the protection of and improvement of the natural environment, including forests, must be the task for each of the Indians” . In efforts to realize the Constitutional provision of environmental protection, India has planned and executed and implement multiple policies, programs and laws and one of the important laws in relation to biological conservation and bringing into effect the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the Biological Diversity Act 2002. The Provisions of these Constitution gives birth to several Central and State Biodiversity law, which are used for the protection.

Key words: Effect , Study ,Laws , River, Ganga , Sunderban

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