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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6675-6685

A Study To Implement Human Resource As A Strategic Partner In High-Performance Organizations

Mukherji R. k., Uniyal A.K., Dr. Namrata Prakash.


The goal of this study is to explain the evolution of Human Resources (HR) from a clerical, personnel administration function to a strategic partner that helps enterprises evolve into dynamic, high-performance organizations (HRD). It also examines the development of HRD from both a theoretical and practical perspective. This study will examine the conceptual evolution and how it reflects the shift from conventional to developmental organizational paradigms. This paper will also cover crucial topics surrounding modern HRD, presenting data and information to explore how HRD has influenced and continues to influence the current corporate climate. This article will finish by examining how contemporary High Performance Organizations (HPOs) might use HRD to solve the strategic challenges of today's competitive business environment.

Key words: Strategy, Performance, Development, Innovation.

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