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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6725-6735

Analyzing COVID-19's Implications On The Hospitality And Tourism Sectors: A Primary Study In Uttarakhand

Akansha Rawat, Dr. Suruchi Sharma.


Tourism is a significant component of many national economies. As governments around the world make significant efforts to combat the virus, travel restrictions, business negotiations, and interpersonal connections have all been placed on pause. Many countries are currently working to rebuild their travel and tourism industries. Intensified safety promotion marketing and orientation towards domestic tourists are some effective strategies. Other factors include increased social distance and the reliance on technology rather than face-to-face contact. Given the ramifications of the financial and health crises, along with the steady relaxation of new restrictions, economic and demand-side recovery will be gradual. As the pandemic worsens, consumer confidence and travel behaviour will suffer even more. Several countries' economies would be impacted. Health concerns should be considered as a factor in destination selection. Hoteliers could perhaps put more emphasis on crisis management in order to be ready for a similar situation in the future. The strategy's goal should be to increase visitor trust in safety and sustainability.

Key words: Tourism and hospitality industry, COVID-19, Economy, demand-side recovery.

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