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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6736-6742

Analyzing S&P’s Performance Over The Years

Richa Thapliyal, Vjay Paul, Dr. Mandakini Sharma.


In the history of the movement of stock markets, it has been found that the markets run in a frantic manner without any fixed manner of progress. The same holds true for the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) indices as well. However, it remains to be appreciated as to how the market indices change with due course of time in terms of the factors affecting the movement of the same. The present study seeks to underpin such factors and via a quantitative analysis, the results are being interpreted. The study concludes with pointers for further research and implications.

Key words: Standard & Poor, S&P, Indices, Movement, Quantitative analysis

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