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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6743-6750

Assessment Of Psycho-Social Impact Of Natural Disaster: A Case-Study Of Glacier Outburst In Chamoli, Uttarakhand

Dr. Ravindra Singh, Gaganjyot Kaur Oberoi.


Natural Disasters are mostly unpredictable phenomena, which leads victims in a state of shock. Studies have suggested that disasters and mental health are related to a large extent. It causes a high emotional disturbance, and has long-term consequences. Depending on the severity of impact and extent of loss at individual’s/community level it can affect in many ways such as feeling a strong sense of grief, panic, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, fear of uncertainty, sadness, and poor mental health. Thus, the aim of this study is to understand the linkage between natural disaster and its psycho-social impact on wellbeing of the affected people. To fulfill this objective, investigators are committed to make a qualitative attempt to address the current psycho-social issues that emerge just after the disaster which took place in Chamoli, Uttarakhand on 07 Feb 2021. In this effort, investigators tried to account for the various psycho-social demands of the majorly affected people in the region. For the same, the research team of the University visited Raini village (disaster site) and other most affected villages and observed the post-disaster social and psychological problems. By this effort, we have tried to account for various psycho-social factors, (resilience, social support, psychological health) and other coping strategies that amplified the individual's capacity while encountering such negative situations. Disaster places affected populations are in great danger every year in Uttarakhand and always have a negative impact. The psychological effects of the disaster are more drastic among children, women, and the dependent elderly population.

Key words: Resilience, Social Support, Coping Strategies, Mental Health, Governance.

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