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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6751-6757

Association Of Internet Addiction With Depression Among Indian Adults

Amisha Bisht, Khushi Sati, Dr. Mandakini Sharma.


In today's digitally-driven world, using the internet is an essential aspect of daily life, especially for young people. However, little attention has been paid to how Internet addiction affects these crucial years of life in India. The study aims to assess whether Internet addiction is common among Indian adult users and how it connects to depression.
Methodology: An investigation into the link between internet addiction and depression using the correlational study methodology. The age range of the 60 volunteers for the current study was 15 to 30. Adults in India received questionnaires through sharing Google Forms after being randomly selected as participants. Aaron T. Beck, a psychiatrist, created the 21-question Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) to assess the severity of depression. Young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT), a multiple-choice self-report inventory with 20 questions was used to gauge adult internet addiction.
Results: The findings show a substantial and positive relationship between internet addiction and depression levels in Indian adults (P

Key words: Internet Addiction, Social Media, Depression, Indian Adults.

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