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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6821-6831

Entrepreneurial Growth And Development Ecosystem Of Small And Medium Scale Industries (Smes) In The State Of Uttarakhand: An Empirical Study

Ritesh Upadhyay, Amar Kumar Mishra.


Small & Medium Enterprises at the moment are a very critical phase of Uttarakhand. They are representative of the most crucial employment-producing region and a powerful device for steady local improvement. The authorities are playing a better function in framing and enforcing the recommendations and the promotional schemes which are in support of the economic sectors of Uttarakhand. This paper focuses on the development of SMEs in Uttarakhand especially focuses on the function of economic and promotional companies in selling small & medium scale industries in Uttarakhand. There reside a few economic companies which include State Infrastructure & Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited (SIDCUL), Integrated Industrial Development Policy (2008) which gives inflexible aid to the improvement of small & medium scale industries in Uttarakhand. This initiative allows satisfying the excessive expectancies of the inhabitants associated with improvement and higher residing standards. SMEs of India have been passing into a transitional period, maintaining ruthless spirit on the peak, with a motive to reshape themselves, dealing with the demanding situations and pop out with shining colors and contribute to the Indian economy.

Key words: Entrepreneurship, Development, Entrepreneurs, Financial and promotional enterprises, SIDCs, SMEs.

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