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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6850-6856

Flood Of Fake News In Covid Era: Media Was Not Innocent, Only Intent Of Profit Earning

Dr. Subhash Gupta, Himani Binjola, Vidushi Negi, Ankit Pal.


In the times of misery and desolation of COVID-19 where the World was struggling against the deadly virus of COVID-19 and everyone was insolvent for survival. Another virus that was spreading more fear in pandemic times was the virus of fake news and misinformation. Humanity was standing at the threshold of mourning and torment and misinformation was adding on to the suffering of human in the hour of grief and anxiety. Media news culture which wanted to update the World with the latest trends and happening about the respective parts of the country was also becoming the platform for dissemination of disinformation and fake news. Through this study we are trying to understand that how fake news was spreading misinformation and fear among masses. Through this paper, we would be approximating such instances of fake news and misinformation.

Key words: Social Media, Fake News, Misinformation, Corona Virus, Fear.

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