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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6857-6866

Forecasting The Scope Of Third Wave Of COVID - 19 In Uttarakhand, India

Omdeep Gupta, Dr. Pradeep Joshi, Poonam Verma, Dr. Rupa Khanna Malhotra.


In the last one and half year the whole world had faced the challenge of Covid – 19 and the situation is still risky according to the predictions of World Health Organization (WHO). Governments need to forecast about the strength and behaviour of pandemic to minimize the effects of pandemic. In the current study, Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression and Holt’s Linear Model is applied to predict the magnitude and time period of third wave of COVID – 19 in Uttarakhand.Results depict that the peak of the third wave in Uttarakhand is expected to be in Mid-September using Linear Regression. This study is valuable to government, medical institutions and other agencies involved in controlling pandemic by improving decision making and providing medical facilities and treatment to the people.

Key words: Forecasting, Covid – 19, Uttarakhand, India.

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