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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6874-6879

Gst Impact On Real Estate Sector

Dr. Rupa Khanna Malhotra, Assistant professor (Capt.) Rakesh Kumar, DR. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay.


Indirect tax imposed on goods and services. Goods are subjected to indirect tax till 1993. In 1993, Central government first time brought out proposal for indirect tax on services. However, after many protest, proposal suspended. But after 1999, indirect taxation started on few services. After 2015, service tax have been start in full fledge manner. It is important to define goods and service under indirect taxation. However, in new GST regime Service means whichever is not goods fall under categories of services. Real estate sectors are also combination of Goods and services. Under GST regime, supply point is a point of taxation. In real estate sectors, it is always debatable subject that which included in supply and which exclude in supply. Present time, real estate play vital role and fast growing sector in Indian economy. Under new GST regime, there is special provision for real estate sector in term of taxation so that builder as well as consumer can get benefit. However, real estate service was under indirect taxation but in new GST regime there have been more option to builder as well buyer. This paper focuses GST impact in real estate construction sectors.

Key words: Impact ,Real, Estate, Sector

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