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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6900-6905

Impact Goods And Services Tax (Gst) In Construction Sectors

Dr. Rupa Khanna Malhotra, Assistant professor (Capt.) Rakesh Kumar, Omdeep Gupta.


Tax system is back bone of economy of every country either direct tax or indirect tax. India is moving toward emerging economy in the world. Indirect tax plays vital role in Indian economy. India has recently adopted new GST model i.e., called dual GST model. It is unique model in the world. GST effected many sectors positive as well as negative side also. Construction sector is also big contributor in economy. Rate of GST changed in new GST era. Construction is not limited to work contract. It is wider term which includes construction industry, service provider who is involved in construction and related industries which indirectly support construction sector. GST changed whole scenario of taxation in whole economy system. GST is not only challenging for regulators but also for businessmen as well as consumer. This paper will emphasize impact of GST in construction sectors.

Key words: Economy, Construction, direct tax, indirect tax, dual GST model, industries.

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