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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6906-6911

Indirect Taxes In Export And Import With Reference Of Impact Of Goods And Services Tax (Gst)

Dr. Rupa Khanna Malhotra, Assistant professor (Capt.) Rakesh Kumar, DR. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay.


In globalization era, export-import becomes an important facet for economy of country. Custom is not new concept. During olden time, merchant paid some consideration when they entered into other state territory. In present time, it is known as custom duty which is paid by importer as well as exporter. Under custom duty there are different types of tax like countervailing duty (CVD) special additional duty (SAD) social welfare surcharge (SWS) etc. Integrated goods and service tax levied (IGST) is also levied after implementation of new GST law. Some tax subsumed under GST like CVD, SAD etc, however, other taxes still continued under new GST era also. Government also provides incentive to exporter for promoting of export in term of taxation and other benefit. This paper will emphasize indirect tax on export and import with reference to GST.

Key words: Globalization, export, import, custom, incentive, government, services, surcharge, references.

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