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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6912-6922

Industry 5.0: A Paradigm Shift Towards Human-Centric Industrial Revolution

Dr. Namrata Prakash, Dr. Suruchi Sharma, Mr. Monu Bhardwaj, Mukherji R. K..


"Industry 5.0" refers to a society where humans work alongside automated objects and artificial intelligence tools. Automated machines may assist individuals in working more swiftly and effectively by employing cutting-edge tools such as the Internet related Objects and big data. This adds a more personal touch to the productivity and efficiency cornerstones of Industry 4.0.
Robots have traditionally performed dangerous, monotonous, or physically demanding activities in industrial settings, such as welding and painting in car factories and loading and unloading large objects in warehouses. The goal of Industry 5.0 is to connect the cognitive computing capacities of office equipment with human intelligence and inventiveness in coordinated activities as they grow smarter and more networked.
As the first firm to provide industrial robots that can safely and productively coexist with people at the workplace, Universal Robots of Denmark asserted its claim. The firm's robots were initially used along with hominoid employees in 2008 at Linatex, a provider of specialist polymers and rubber for manufacturing uses. Traditionally, industrial robots have functioned apart from people and behind safety cages. (1) There are limitless prospects in production when human and mechanical labour are combined. And because Industry 5.0's use cases are still in their absolute infancy; producers ought to be vigorously considering how to combine human and mechanical labour in command to optimise the distinctive advantages that may be gained as the undertaking stays to develop.

Key words: Industry , Shift ,Towards , Industrial , Revolution

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