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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6965-6970

Relationship Between Internet Addiction & Well-Being Among Teenagers And Young Adults

Amisha Bisht, Divyansh Pande, Dr. S. K Sarkar.


Internet usage has skyrocketed in the modern world. It is a technical advancement that has made life easier for us and has since become a necessity as the number of users grows daily. The idea of internet addiction has emerged as a result of some people's excessive, uncontrolled use. The term "Internet Addiction" describes the compulsive drive to spend so much time online that it causes harm to one's relationships, work, and health. It is a huge concern for the younger generation and can have serious effects on someone's life, health, and well-being. In order to investigate the connection between young people's wellbeing and internet addiction, a cross-sectional study was carried out in the Indian city of Dehradun. The study's sample size consisted of 70 regular users of the Internet. Young's Internet Addiction Scale and PGI General Well-being Scale, created by S.K. Verma and Anita Verma, were used to measure internet addiction and well-being. According to the study, there is a strong negative correlation between internet addiction and overall well-being. The findings reported that adolescents and young people who are more addicted to the internet are more likely to have decreased levels of well-being. Hence, it highlighted the necessity of developing strategies to prevent internet addiction and enhance well-being.

Key words: Well-being, Internet Addiction, Adolescents, Young Adults

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