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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7038-7042

The Future Of Hybrid Engines

Dr. Satyam Prakash Srivastava, Dr. Rupa Khanna Malhotra, DR. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay.


The globalized economy has been into major transition of automobile engines when the concept of electric vehicles is replacing the use of fuel-based engines. In order to overcome the issues of carbon emissions and fulfil the requirement of euro norms the automobile companies have now initiated to work on developing the hybrid engines which is based on twin system of managing the fuel supply in the engines. The paper highlights the importance of hybrid technology and how it plays role in saving the fuel requirements and consequently bringing efficiencies in the system. The stature of hybrid engines has led to strategic drift for the companies that had been limited to development of engines depended upon fuel only. Hybrid engines have the capacity to provide more leverage in terms of mileage, saving fuel cost and better life of engine

Key words: Hybrid engines, Fuel engines, Battery engines, Category, Model.

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