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Investigation of growth performance, lipid profile and liver histotexure of mice treated with butyric acid

Most. Tania Akter, Md. Eftakhar Jahan Bhuiyan, Khaled Mahmud Sujan, Ziaul Haque, Sharmin Akter, Md. Golzar Hossain, Md. Kamrul Islam.


Obesity is a pandemic which adds greatly to health care costs through its association with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and cancers. The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of different concentrations of butyric acid on changes of body weight, blood biochemical parameters, and liver histo-texture in mice. Total twenty Swiss albino mice were divided into 4 groups viz Group A, B, C and D. Group A act as control while Group B, Group C and Group D were received 3 mM, 5 mM, and 7 mM/kg b.wt butyric acid respectively, throughout the experimental period. On the 60th day, blood and liver samples were collected for biochemical analysis and histopathology respectively. Results showed that body weight increased significantly (p

Key words: Lipid profile, Glucose, Liver, Butyric acid

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