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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1074-1084

Role Of Information Communication Technology In Higher Education In Ranchi

Maneesh Dubey, Dr. Kunal Sinha.


This study highlights the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in higher education in the Ranchi district of Jharkhand, India. Other considerations influence how ICT and higher education systems are integrated to improve teaching and learning. The study uses Everett Rogers's 1962 diffusion of invention framework, highlighting student adoption of technologies and organizations influenced by state policies. The data was collected from Ranchi's higher educational institutions. The results indicate that most students are in favour of using ICT in the teaching-learning process. It also suggests the significance of collaboration among the numerous players who have learned new ICT techniques in educational systems. It assumed that government participation would aid in the spread of ICT in education.

Key words: Higher Education, Information communication technology, Policy, Adoption, Collaborative learning approach.

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