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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1085-1095

Performance And Assessment Of Undergraduate Students In Effective English Writing Skills

P. Sreehari Raju, P. Rajendra Karmarkar.


English is an essential language to learn becausemost of the science and technological education in India has based on English medium. Thus, the undergraduate students should have good English writing skills for their carrier development in global environment. The paper investigated a qualitative study of the thoughtful essays written by 60 undergraduate engineering students at various engineering colleges from Andhra Pradesh region to identify their problems in English writing skills. This paper focused on the challenges they face while doing so and endeavored to calculate the intensity of the problem areas. It is determined through this investigation that the undergraduate students need to enhance their writing skills. The samples of the research were the first and second semester students of English education department of various colleges of JNTU that produced undergraduate students in Andhra Pradesh region. The researcher divided the students into two groups based on the treatments, namely Merrill’ sprinciples of instruction (MPI) for an experimental group and direct instruction (DI) for the con trol group, respectively. Finally, experiments are conducted on these two groups with respect to the various English skills. The researcher observed the performance from the students and based on cumulative results, the use of Instructional model and specifically MPI improves the English Writing skills effectively and efficiently.

Key words: English language teaching, Writing skills, Merrill’s principles of instruction, direct instruction.

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