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EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3363-3371

A Critical Study Of Investors Perception On Selected Mutual Funds In India



In past few years, mutual fund companies are doing much effort to expand its operation. The various regulatory authorities are also supporting the fund houses as well as investors. Many regulations have been formulated to protect the interest of investors. A wide range of schemes have been innovated keeping the investor’s requirement and demand in view. However, the industry has to resolve many challenges for its sustainable growth. A study on the status and operation of mutual fund helps both the fund managers and investors to acquire better knowledge and information regarding the investment opportunity. The various demographic features are one of the basic factors to influence decision making for investment. The industry can mobilize young generation for investment in mutual funds as they are risk takers. But sufficient education and financial literacy are also required to grasp the concepts. Employment among female is increasing than earlier days leaving more personal disposable income. It widens the scope for the industry to increase their investors. The satisfaction level of investors is a major determinant of mutual fund growth. The ample of fund houses and a plethora of mutual fund schemes with different features often creates confusion to newcomers. Thus, it is high time for the fund houses to make necessary changes in their operation for sustainable growth and expansion in future.

Key words: Regulations, Interest of Investors, Challenges, Growth, Employment

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