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A promising marker in patients with coronary artery ectasia: Uric acid / HDL ratio

Asli Kurtar Mansiroglu, Mehmet Cosgun, Isa Sincer, Yilmaz Gunes.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: Elevated levels of uric acid and low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are associated with cardiovascular events and mortality. We investigated a novel marker, uric acid/HDLratio (UHR), in coronary artery ectasia patients (CAE).
Materials and Methods: The present study included 104 patients (58 male, 46 female; mean age, 61±12 years) diagnosed as having isolated CAE and 110 controls (44 male, 66 female; mean age, 60±12 years) whose coronary artery findings were normal as revealed by coronary angiography. Medical records of all the patients were reviewed and the data were collected retrospectively. Baseline characteristics, hematologic and biochemistry parameters were recorded, and we calculated the value of UHR
Results: The CAE group had significantly higher values of uric acid (6.48±1.62 vs. 5.37±1.12; p

Key words: Coronary artery ectasia; uric acid; uric acid/ HDL ratio

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