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Invited Review

Turk J Vasc Surg. 2021; 30(1): 22-6

Pelvic venous thrombosis

Sergio Gianesini, Erica Menegatti1, Oscar Bottini, Yung-Wei Chi.


While the thrombotic risk associated with lower limb venous reflux has been clearly reported in the literature, evidence is lacking on the potentially similar procoagulant effect generated by a venous incompetence in the pelvic region. A recent publication identified an incidental periuterine venous plexus thrombosis in 3% of the women undergoing a gynaecological consultation for whatever reason, suggesting a potentially underestimated condition worthy of further investigation. The present paper analyses the available literature on the topic, providing an insight covering both pathophysiological and clinical aspects.

Key words: Pelvic, thrombosis, venous.

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