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Case Report

A rare case of Pinkus fibroepithelioma with pleomorphic cells – Case report and a literature review

Manana Jikurashvili, Veselin Kirov, Ivan Ivanov.

Cited by 0 Articles

The current report presents a rare case of Pinkus fibroepithelioma with pleomorphic cells, observed in a female individual in her 4th decade of life. It presented as a polypoid, a slow-growing lesion of her lower back that was skin-coloured, painless, approximately 15mm in largest diameter.
Histological findings revealed a polypoid lesion with superficial involvement of the dermis. Histologically, the lesion was composed of basaloid cells with the palisading arrangement, forming nests and strands, connected to the epidermis, and demonstrating partly cystic transformation. The described nests and strands were divided by fibro-vascular stroma. Focally, cells with prominently pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei and scant to moderately presented cytoplasm were observed. The described cells, as well as the cells of the lesion, were BCL2 positive.
The described case of Pinkus fibroepithelioma with abnormal epithelial giant cells demonstrated morphology and immune profile and prognosis consistent with basal cell carcinoma with pleomorphic giant cells.

Key words: pinkus fibroepithelioma, pleomorphic cells, case report

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