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Relationship between degenerative medial meniscus lesions and the medial fat tissue thickness of the knee

Ismail Eralp Kacmaz, Meliksah Uzakgider, Can Doruk Basa, Vadym Zhamilov, Ali Er, Ali Reisoglu.

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Aim: It was aimed to investigate the relationship between fatty tissue thickness in the medial of the knee and degenerative meniscus lesion.
Materials and Methods: Images of 300 patients (151 females and 149 males) who had previously taken knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were evaluated retrospectively. The relationship between medial meniscus degenerative lesion (MMDL) and age, sex, side, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), medial fat thickness (MFT), length of medial tibial plateau (MTP) was investigated.
Results: Mean age of 300 patients (144 rights, 156 left knees) was 41.4 ± 11.8 (range 18–67) years and 200 of them had degenerative meniscus lesions, 100 of them were not detected.
Age, weight, height, BMI, MFT, MTP, and MFT/MTP were all correlated with the presence of an MMDL, and the strongest relationship was with age (p

Key words: Adipose tissue; body mass index; meniscus; meniscus lesion; risk factors

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