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Case Report

Pure apocrine nevus: a case report

Tahani Alharbi, Abdulsalam Aodah, Rawan Alghamdi.

Cited by 0 Articles

Apocrine nevi are highly uncommon tumours typically located in the reticular dermis and comprising elevated numbers of mature apocrine glands and ductal structures inside a fibrous stroma. Most seen in the axillae and sometimes in the scalp or parasternal region, apocrine nevi present clinically as solitary or multiple nodules. A case of a 26-year-old male patient with a history of bilateral axillary swelling for 2 months is reported. The ultrasound picture initially showed an accessory breast that was excised surgically. A diagnosis of pure apocrine nevus was supported by the histological picture.

Key words: pure apocrine nevus, axillary mass, accessory breast

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