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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3441-3452

Covid-19: Impact On Education In India And The Response Of Educational Institutions And Students

Sajad Ahmad Mir.


This research paper attempts to evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on Indian education, and also aims to demonstrate how educational institutions and the students reacted to the situation. Another aim of this research paper is to discuss the initiatives taken by the government to facilitate e-learning platforms for students during COVID-19 pandemic.
Within both the rural and urban areas of India, the system of education continues to remain underdeveloped. The catered meal is one of many initiatives that are being arranged to entice students to pursue education. Under these circumstances the government was obliged to implement a nationwide shutdown on March 25, 2020, to prevent or reduce Covid-19, this was due to the Covid predicament. Each sector has been adversely affected by Covid-19, along with the health-care, economy, and education, nearly 320 million students in India alone are disrupted, while a total of 1.3 billion students worldwide were unable to attend the schools or universities.

Key words: Covid-19 pandemic, impact on education, education during Covid-19, response

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