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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3482-3489

Environment Education In Contemporary Times: Issues And Challenges

Dr. Shailesh Yadav.


Humanity’s effect on the environment is now generally accepted to be enormous and to have dire effects on the next generation. Youth environmental awareness, green social behaviour, and effective solutions to environmental issues are all facilitated by environmental education. India has made environmental education mandatory for all school-aged children, among other steps, since it recognises the significance and need of this field of study. There is a pressing need to refocus environmental education curricula to make them more engaging and relevant to local environmental concerns at a time when environmental conditions are deteriorating and all forms of life are feeling the ill effects of pollution and shifting weather patterns. The public, and notably high school and university students, need to be educated differently on environmental management challenges, hence it is important to rethink relevant policies.

Key words: Environment , Education , Contemporary , Challenges

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