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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 928-931

Association of ergonomic factors causing muscular pain in dentistry

Areeba Naveed ul Hassan, Faiza Sharif, Ashfaq Ahmad.


Objective: To assess the ergonomic factors that cause pain in muscles in dental professionals.
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from Januarys to April 2020 and included 130 dental health care professionals of Lahore. Data were collected through a self-organized questionnaire. Pain, affected zones, gender, postures, and work environment were evaluated. Data analysis was done with SPSS version 25.
Results: Musculoskeletal problems affected the curvature of the spine. Most dentists flex their cervical during the practice that caused pain in the neck. We found that 100(76.9%) out of 130 respondents had to perform torsions and cervical flexions to improve their vision while working in oral cavity. A significant association was found between muscular pain and awkward cervical positions with twisting movements during practice (p

Key words: Dentistry, ergonomic factors, muscular pain, soreness.

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