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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3505-3515

Studies On Demographic Factors Contributing To The Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, And Perceived Parental Relationship Of Adolescents

Venkateswar Pujari, Dr. Priyanka Dubey.


Academic achievement is the outcome of education — the extent to which a student has achieved his/her educational goals. It is the ability to attain success in one’s studies; is commonly measured by examinations. This focus on academic achievement comes to fore in the adolescent phase of a student’s life, especially as they approach the tenth boards. Parents and teachers dramatically increase the attention paid to academic achievement in this phase. It becomes the central issue of concern and discussion in most families. Academic achievement is a complex performance. However, the determiners of academic achievement are not yet definitely pinpointed. There is enough evidence to show that academic achievement is not a unidimensional phenomenon but a multidimensional activity. There have been a considerable number of scientific investigations in the area of academic achievement in order to find out its stable determiners. The significance of the study was to influence of some demographic factors such as gender, parental education, occupation, income, birth order, type of family, on Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, and Perceived Parental Relationship of Adolescents.

Key words: Demographic, Intelligence, Parental, Adolescents, Relationship.

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