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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1982-1994

The Involvement Of Teachers In The Development Of History Education Curriculum In The Further Education And Training Phase

Tebogo Mogashoa.


This enquiry intended to determine teachersÂ’ involvement in the development of history education curriculum in the further education and training phase. The researcher used qualitative method to gather information from the teachers on how they are involved in curriculum development. The maindatacollectingprocedures were in the form of interviews. This research found that teachers contributed very less in the development of curriculum for history education, there was inadequate professional development or capacitation of teachers, and that teachers received less training to be able to be involved in curriculum development. Teachers must be involved fully in the development of any curriculum for all subjects or learning areas, be taken through various steps of curriculum development and design in the form of workshops that can be done in not less than ten days.

Key words: Curriculum development, Teacher involvement, Teacher professional development.

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