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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4374-4386

Influence Of Window Takaful In Bancassurance Model Of Pakistan: An Exploration Of The Factors Using Thematic Analysis

Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Iqbal, Dr. Shabbar Hussain, Masood Hassan, Dr. Muhammad Umer,, Dr. Abuzar Wajidi.


Existing theories rarely focus to explore the factors of Takaful model through bancassurance channel in Pakistan.This research will theoretically discuss takaful business in Pakistan and will further explore the factors influencing penetration of takaful business through bancassurance model. The purpose of the study is to drive implications for takaful business through bancassurance model and explore the factors of penetration of takaful product through conventional business model window. Takaful is a kind of Islamic protection / insurance, where individuals contribute cash into a pooling framework keeping in mind the end goal to promise each other against misfortune or harm. Takaful-marked protection depends on Shariah, Islamic religious law, and clarifies how it is the obligation of people to coordinate and secure each other. A Qualitative technique is used to explorethe factors in the study through thematic analysis and literature review based on existing theories on takaful as well as bancassurance model to depict the link between two models of life insurance.

Key words: Bancassurance Model, Insurance, Pakistan, Thematic Analysis, Window Takaful.

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