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Original Article

Med Arch. 2021; 75(4): 274-279

Colonoscopic Evaluation of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding (LGIB): Practical Approach

Zoran Matkovic, Muharem Zildzic.


Background: Haematochesia (Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding (LGIB) is the most common reason for endoscopic examination. Generaly it is caused by hemorrhoids and diverticular disease, but other anorectal conditions can also lead to LGIB. Recurrent bleeding may result in secondary iron deficiency anemia. Colonoscopy is the primary diagnostic option for establishing a diagnosis of colonic bleeding. Objective: This study aimed to analyze symptoms and endoscopic finding (specialy hemorrhoids) who may be sources of LGIB.Second goal of this study is to estimate time from onset of symptoms to performance of a colonoscopy. Methods: A retrospective study included 603 adult patients who underwent colonoscopy in General Hospital “Sv. Apostol Luka“, Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, between 1.1.2020 and 31.12.2020. Results: Average age of the examined population was 62±13,3years. According to the gender they were mostly men. To be exact,by percentage it was 53.7% of men and 46,3% of women, or by number: 324 men and 279 women. The most common indications for colonoscopy were LGIB (48,8%), abdominal pain and irregular stool. Most frequent endoscopic findings were hemorrhoids 42%. Normal findings had almost one third of all examinated patients. Combined findings-presence of more clinical entities in one patient were presented in 95 cases. In the group with hemorrhoids were almost two thirds of males, but there was no gender difference noted in between group with LGIB and without LGIB. More than half patients were older than 61 years. Anemia was presented in almost 20% of cases. Significantly it is higher frequency of abdominal pain, irregular stool and weight loss observed on the group without LGIB. Also, significantly more frequently patients with LGIB underwent colonoscopy in 0-30 days when compared with patients without LGIB (p=0,016). Conclusion: In patients with haematochezia, taking a careful medical history is mandatory. Hemorrhoids, diverticular disease and colorectal cancers are the most common causes of bleeding. Patients with LGIB and abdominal pain were previously examined with colonoscopy. Completely colonoscopy is advocated to detect probable proximal lesions.

Key words: Lower Gastrointestitional Bleeding (LGIB), Colonoscopy, practical approach.

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